About The Author

Adam Farber, the author behind One True Path, wrote this mystical yet adventurous fiction story inspired by his personal experiences. He quotes, “Each character in this book is a true reflection of myself.” initially, Adam wrote this book to overcome his own fears and insecurities and never planned to publish this book series. In the quest to find his true calling and meaning in life, Adam realized that writing had started to help him personally in his life. Adam chose to make this series public to assist others who have faced similar struggles. One True Path has just enough of a personal touch to give the reader a peek into his life. Adam believes that life is difficult and you need good people in your life. Adam would like to give a special thanks to his mother for her love and support. Also a special thank you goes out to Katie Hoffman, co-author of One True Path.

“This is something that I could not have done alone, Katie had put in a lot of effort for me and I appreciate it. One day I would love to see this as an animated film, I’d like for everyone to see what I’ve been seeing for year’s now.”