The Book
One True
Path OTP

One True Path (ОТР) is an intensely deep.enchanting. and
adventure-packed book about an elemental magician named
Ben.While exploring the world. Ben runs into a mage.

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About One
True Path OTP

One True Path is an intensely deep, enchanting, and adventure packed book about an elemental mage named Ben. While going out to explore the world Ben encounters some mages abusing their powers and hurting innocent people. Ben decides to join the organization called the INM – “Investigation of New Magic.”

One day, Ben is dispatched on a mission to fight a formidable mage. At the end of their battle Ben is given his enemies memories, which changes Bens life forever. Ben thought he has been doing the right thing, but now he’s not so sure.

Soon after, Ben meets a boy who believes he knows where his father is. Ben makes a deal with the boy and promises to tell the boy about his father. In exchange the boy has to help Ben discover the truth within his memories. To find out what happens, read the captivating story for yourself.

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Adam Farber

Adam Farber, the author behind One True Path, wrote this mystical yet adventurous fiction story inspired by his personal experiences. He quotes, “Each character in this book is a true reflection of myself.” initially, Adam wrote this book to overcome his own fears and insecurities and never planned to publish this book series. In the quest to find his true calling and meaning in life, Adam realized that writing had started to help him personally in his life.

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